The good ship 'Devonshore' 831 tons, Captain Henry Holt, made her number

early on Saturday morning, and came to an anchor about 8 am on the same day.

She is in a clean and orderly state, and reflects the credit upon her commander

and officers. The 'Devonshire took her departure from the Docks on October 24th

and Gravesend early on the 26th and anchored in the Downs on the same night.

Weighed anchor on the morning of the 27th but encountered such heavy squalls

after starting that she put back and again came to anchor in the Downs the same

night. Took her final departure from the Downs on October 29th. and proceeded

uninterruptedly on the voyage. Kept to the westward of Maderia without sighting

it. On November 25th sighted St. Paul's rock and next day, November 26th crossed

the equator in 33 55 west. On November 28th sighted the island of Fernando

Noronha, a Brazilian convict establishment, and on the 17th December sighted

Gough's Island. Made a quick run thence to Prince Edward's Island, which was

sighted on the 28th of December, the meridian of the Cape of Good Hope being

passed on Christmas Day. On the 26th December and two following days passed

several large icebergs. Experienced fair winds and splendid weather from the

meridian of the Cape to the coast of Van Diemans Land, and thence to the New

Zealand coast. Sighted Cape Marie Van Dieman on the 3rd February and had light

winds and fine weather round the coast. Was off the Great Barrier on Friday

night at eleven, and made her anchor, as already stated, at 10 o'clock on

Saturday morning. The health of the passengers was generally good. There was

one birth and two deaths on board. The mother of the infant which was born on

the voyage, died 10 days after her confinement; and one seaman died of scrofula.

The 'Devonshire' brings four improved Lincoln, and one pure Lincoln sheep, for

Joseph Newman Esq.


Chief Cabin

F and W Nelson

D. Beckett

Francis Hallowes

Mary A. Morris

John Hutchinson

John Gamack

Charles P. Powles

Percy Cartwright

Edward Steinkeller

Harry G. Smith

Caroline and Emma Morgan

Thomas, Mrs M., Annie, and Arthur Pierce

Alexander Tabuteau

James Leal?

Ensign Howat

William, Mrs. Anna and Georgina Briggs

Harriet Johnson

Second Cabin

W. Anderson

W. Randall

H. Salt

Edward B, Jane, and Mary Ann Parsons

James, Sophia, Mary Ann, Jessie, Sophia, and Annie Gray

John R, and Albert Wickham

Frederick Shortman

Samuel Dunn

Joseph James

Robert McRae

Anne and Charlotte McNally

Fanny Bond

Alfred, Eleanor, Jessie, and Alfred Barnes

Samuel Wilson

William A. and Elizabeth Cowan, and infant

George A. Miller

Charles, John, Neil R., Marjory, Caroline and Mary Alexander

Frederick Clark

Henry Watts

Charles Hamilton

Donald McArkill

James Greenway


J. and W. Wright

T. Bothwell

Robert Brown, Martha, Elizabeth, Robert, Martha, and Alexander Brown

Nicholas and Mary Dent

Mary A. Hunter, John W. and William Hunter

Alfred Freeman, and Mrs Freeman

William Penn

James Corbets, Marian, and Edmund Corbets

Caroline Redmond

Neil Thompson

Henry Johnson

Hugh Brown

Samuel and Caroline Hesketh

Sergeant Power, Mary, Catherine, and Mary Power

William and Lucy Cobbold

John Gardner

Mary, Peter, Agnes, Janet and John Gardner

Amelia and Martin H Cobbold

Jane Bowden

Margaret Mitchell and Thomas Mitchell

Catherine McCormick

Emma McCormick

Jessie Fisher

Thomas Sanders

George Wormington

Harry Hayward

John Martin

Thomas White

Robert Russell

Walter H Garratt

Thomas Johnston

John Kennedy

W Littejohn

William Smith

Thomas Harvey

Corporal Brodie

Sapper Batcher

Henry Bradman

William Morrow

Charles Thomas

Isaac McKai

Richard Crosskell

John and Samuel Brown

Hugh Mcguire

David Blair

Edward Rayner

David J Sellirk

Henry Alexander

Frederick Wilson

Thos. Hattawell

John Harrison

John Hunter

John Jackson

Samuel Laird

James Doal

Peter Hunter

Robert Henry

George Chalmers

Hugh Reid

George Cherrett

John Driver

Sydney Darston

Elijah Beer

James Campbell

John Baybut

Matthew Bolton

William Watson

John Goldie

George Driver

Henry Watts

David Blair

David J Sellick

Henry Alexander

Fredk. K Wilson

The list of names (in order) as recorded in the "Daily Southern Cross"

of 9th February 1863.

This information was kindly supplied by Vaughan. S. Cullen.