The DORIC departed London on 4 December, 1885 and arrived in Wellington on 19 January, 1886,

Captain J W Jennings was  in command.



Transcribed from the Evening Post for 20 January    , 1886.



The Doric, J. W. Jennings, arrived from London at 3.45 this afternoon, after a passage of 41 days 11 hours including stoppages. She left on 5th Dec., with 31 first, 28 second, and 110 (third class passengers; coaled at Teneriffe, embarked 33 passengers at the Cape, for Australia, and landed 5 at Hobart. One birth occurred, and one death - that of a steerage passenger named J Davies, this morning. The Tainui (sic) has the same officers as last trip. She brings 1300 tons cargo for Auckland, 150 for Napier, 500 for Wellington, 690 for Otago and 393 for Canterbury.


Saloon passengers:-


for Napier - Mr R Harrison;


for Wellington - Miss Hornor, Revs Ramsay and Lymburn, Messrs W and A H Turnbull, Holland, Brown, Libray and Phon


for Nelson - Dr Cressey, Messrs Pulford and Cock;


for Canterbury - Messrs Hervey and Hamilton


for Otago - Misses Oliver, Gordon, Plofeld, Mrs Begg and family, and Mr Plofeld

Copyright - Gavin W Petrie - 2012