The GEELONG departed London on 21 March, 1862 and arrived at Port Chalmers on 5 August, 1862, with Captain Wallace in command.



Transcribed from the Otago Daily Times, 6 August 1862, Page 4


The barque Geelong, from London, reached Port Chalmers in the morning, and her passengers, of whom there were in all 36, have since proceeded to town. As conjectured, the Geelong is the barque which was seen off the coast since Thursday last, the wind from that time having been unfavorable to her reaching the Heads. Previous to that time also, and through the greater part of the passage, the Geelong experienced heavy and baffling weather, to which her rather protracted passage is greatly due. She left England on the 21st of March, had heavy weather till well down upon the Line, and after passing the Cape, encountered some severe gales during one of which, she shipped one or two heavy seas and carried away about twenty feet of her starboard bulwarks, her quarter boarding, and a quarter boat. The heaviest of these gales was experienced on 13th July. Before crossing the Line, Captain Wallace spoke the Royal Charlie, from London to Auckland, which had left about a week previous to the Geelong, and subsequently the Dudbrook, from London to Port Natal, with 90 passengers, all well. When in the latitude of the Croats, some wreck was seen, consisting of spars and rigging, along with a ship's boat. The wreck appeared to belong to a vessel of about a thousand tons. The health of the passengers on board the Geelong was good throughout the passage, and they arrived all well; the majority of the number are from Scotland, and there are only a few female passengers. The vessel is consigned to Messrs. R. B. Martin & Co.


PASSENGER LIST. Geelong, from London.—

Cabin -

Mr. Clement Cauford,

Mr. Weston,

Frederick Hedge.


Steerage -

Thomas Kelly,

Henry Allen,

Mrs. Smith,

John C. Hodges,

W. T. Pegler,

Daniel Mackenzie,

Edward Small,

James Branen,

Robert Matthews,

Peter Maloni,

John Galbraith,

Ellen Galbraith,

John Galbraith,

James Galbraith,

George Johnston,

Margaret McNish,

John Russell,

Richard Spence,

Ann Spence,

John Spence,

Henry Spence,

James Watt,

William Lindsay,

William Morton,

Elizabeth Douglas,

Frank Brennan,

John Ryall,

Robert Lindsay,

Alexander Nelson,

William Howie,

George Howie,

Alexander Dunbar,

David Dunbar.


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