The GOTHIC departed London on 22 October 1902 and arrived in Wellington, via Capetown and Hobart, on 7 December 1902. Captain William H Kidley was in command.



Transcribed from the Evening Post , Monday, 8 December 1902.




The Shaw, Savill and Albion Company's steamer Gothic arrived in the stream from London, Cape­town, and Hobart about 8 o'clock last night, and was berthed early this morning. She left Gravesend on 23rd October, made a fine passage down channel, and arrived at Plymouth on the 24th. Embarked the remainder of passengers and mails and proceeded to sea on the 25th. Experienced fine weather, with light fresh to variable winds, to Teneriffe—reached on 30th October. After coaling the steamer left again the same day, mid to Capetown had n very fine passage, with light trade winds and smooth to moderate sea until arrival in Table Bay on 14th November. Passengers were landed, and the ship proceeded the same day, For the first two days a westerly pale was experienced, with high sea, then moderate to fresh northerly winds and fairly good weather until arrival at Hobart on 3rd inst. Left again the same day, and experienced fresh to strong southerly wind with rough sea until reaching the 165th meridian of longitude; thence to Cape Fare­well, passed at 11.17 am yesterday, light easterly winds with moderate sea to arrival in port.

Following is the list of passengers on board the steamer:—


For Wellington —

Misses - Wollerman (2). Carroll, Duncan, Keogh (3), Kinsey, Nursing Sister Stevens (Capetown),

Mesdames - Birch, Duncan, Herring, Keogh (2), Waldie, Wollerman,

Rev Lynch,

Messrs - Bailey, Carroll, Duncan, Goodson, Herring, Wollerman (2), Bull, Keogh, Jones,

Master Keogh.

For Auckland —

Misses - Glover, Ross,

Mesdames - Pritchard, Ross, Brown, Dalston,

Messrs - McKinley, Webster, Bell, Dalston, Ross.

For Napier —

Miss Hudson,

Lieut Howell (Capetown),

Messrs - Butters, Russell, Bibby, Smith.

For New Plymouth —

Miss Matthews.

For Nelson —

Miss Barnicoat.

For Lyttelton —

Misses - Hawker, Jackman, Leithead, Foster, Newton (2), Archer,

Mesdames - Newton, Bournique, Leithead, Messrs Archer, Leithead, Newton, Sleightholm,

Masters - Newton (2), Archer (2).

For Timaru —

Misses - Hart, McLean (2),

Mrs. Hart, Mr. Hart.

For Port Chalmers —

Misses - Black (2), Shaw,

Mesdames - Black, Birch, Smith,

Messrs - Ritchie, Firth, Low.

For all New Zealand ports there are 146 steerage passengers.


The steamer has 3330 tons of cargo for, Welling­ton and 1400 tons for Lyttelton.


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Copyright – Gavin W Petrie – 2014