
The HELVELLYN departed London 14 July 1863 and arrived in Auckland on 16 November 1863.
Captain F S Dalison was in command.

Transcribed from the New Zealand Herald for 17 Nov 1863 Pg 4, and Daily Southern Cross for 17 November 1863 Pg 7.

ENTERED INWARDS. NOVEMBER 16 Helvellyn, ship, 1017 tons, Dalison, from London.

Captain and Mrs. Deere
Miss Annie Wright
Miss Matilda Wright
Mr. John W. Wright
David Manders Deere
Miss M. E. Brady
Mr. W. A. Tuck
Mr. Wheeler
Mr. and Mrs. Owen
Mr. Mrs. and Misses (3) Broadfoot
Master Broadfoot
Mr. J. H. King (surgeon)
Mrs. Annie Grosconer/Grovenor
Thomas Howley
William Robson
William Miller
William Wilther
Ralph Rutter Barron
Hector Mackenzie
Daniel Sampson Aden
George William Jones
Mary Ann, E!iza, George B., William F., Mary Ann, Henry, Frederick, Edwin, Walton, Alfred Jr., and Sarah Jones
John Parker Campbell
Charles Snowden
William Clifford
John Hackshaw
Isabella Hackshaw
William and Sarah Phillipps
David Davies
Hugh, Agnes, Jane, Mary, Hugh, and Agnes Hamilton
Thomas Day Leslie
William Brabbins
Edward, Mary, Mary, Peter, William, and Michael Jones
Margaret Fannelly
James Edward Porter
Edwin and Mrs. Freeman
William Brae
Francis Henrietta Brae
Thomas, John, Robert, Thomas, Barbara, William, and Margaret Sanderson
Thomas, Jane, Thomas, James, Eliza, Caroline, and Jane Johnson
John and Jane Mullander
Harriet Rycroft
Francis Douglas
Elizabeth, Mary, Ann, James, Grace, Francis, and Alexander Douglas
Peter and Ann Finn
William Harrison
Harry Atkinson
Thomas Partington
Nathaniel Fowler
Benjamin Bryant
William and Eliza Wilson
James, Agnes, Edward, and Agnes Peacock
William Thomas Rainson
Frederick Nuthall
John Smith Plimpton
Robert Glover
George Frederick Loveless
George Henry Morley
Walker Morley
James and Ann Reynolds
Mrs. Tracey
Capt. Mackenzie Wilson
John Duthie
George James Smith
Frederick Norton
Archibald Gilmour
Thomas Wakress/Vickress
William and Elizabeth Lidbetter/Ledbetter
John, Frances, Jane, Ellen Sophia, Thomas, William, and William Alexander Copeland
Mary Ann and Elizabeth Mercer
Thomas Finn
Total, 131.

ARRIVAL OF THE 'HELVELLYN’, FROM LONDON - Daily Southern Cross 17 November 1863 Pg 7
This fine vessel came up the harbour yesterday morning and dropped her anchor off the Queen street Wharf shortly after eight o'clock, after
a passage of 120 days from England. She sailed from Gravesend on the 14lh of July, and on Saturday, the 18th, called in at Dartmouth to
take the doctor on board, which protracted the voyage for several days. She left Dartmouth on the 19th July, and experienced fine weather
until arriving off the meridian of the Cape. Crossed the equator on the 23rd August, in longitude 29 degrees west. No detention was
experienced from calms. Passed the meridian of the Cape on the 26th September, in latitude 44 degrees south. After rounding the Cape, met
with some severe gales, and encountered rough weather until sighting Tasmania. Made the Three Kings, on the New Zealand coast, on
Wednesday, November 11th, and had beating weather all down the coast. Dropped her anchor off the North Head on Sunday morning, being
unable to get up the harbour. There were two deaths amongst the passengers on the voyage; the first, on the 23rd July, a Mr. Copeland dying
of consumption, the second on the 29th August, the deceased being Mr. Thomas Finn. There was one birth, on the 4th October. One vessel
only was spoken with during the passage — the ship 'Raja,' from Rio Janeiro, latitude 14 degrees north, and longitude 27 degrees west;. The
Helvellyn is a fine large vessel of 1,017 tons, and it commanded by Captain F. S. Dalison. She was built in Sunderland, by Messrs. Robert
Thompson and Son, and has been classed A 1 for 13 years. Her accommodation between decks seems to be all that could be wished for, and
the health of the passengers during the voyage has been very good. General satisfaction appears to have been given by the captain and
officers of the ship, and the services of the surgeon in charge, Dr. Asham, have been highly appreciated. Mr. W. S. Laurie is her agent.

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