The JESSIE READMAN departed Gravesend on 8 August 1885, and arrived in Auckland on 21 November 1885, with Captain Gibson in command.


Transcribed from the Auckland Star, 21 November 1885, Page 2



The ship Jessie Roadman, under the S.S. and A. Company's flag, arrived in port this morning, and dropped anchor off the end of Queenstreet Wharf. The vessel is in charge of Capt. Gibson, Mr Roger is chief officer, and Mr Hill second officer. She brings a large general cargo as per import list, also a number of passengers, all in good health. The ship has had some very bad weather, but arrived in port in excellent trim. Captain Gibson reports of the voyage as follows:— Left London on August 7, and Gravesend on the 8th; anchored in the Downs till Thursday, the 13th, during which time it blew hard from the westward. Left with light westerly wind, working to about east light. Landed pilot off Portland Bill on the 15th, and had light winds from about W.S.W. till the 29th, in 29 N. 13'15 N., where a light breeze from the N.E. set in. Had to steer west for two days to get round the Canary Islands, passing within miles of Palma on the night of the 31st. The N.E. trades were very light, leaving us on the 9th Sept. in 11 N. 27 W. Had light, variable winds till the 17th in 3'35 N, 19'41 W., where we picked up the S.E. trades. Crossed the Equator on Sunday, Sept. 20 in 21'31 W. Had the usual performance at Neptune, etc., also, sports, such as climbing the greasy pole, etc. The winds proved squally with a nasty head sea, and were lost on Sept. 29 in 22 S. 32 W. Hot northerly wind same evening, with very unsettled weather. October 2 and 3 the weather was very dirty, accompanied with heavy thunder and lightning in all directions. At midnight on both dates furious squalls struck the ship, the flrst one taking away the upper main-topsail, mizzen-topsail, etc., and the last luckily did no harm, the ship running dead before it under lower-topsail and foresail. Crossed the meridian of Greenwich on the 10th in 39 S.. weather still very unsettled. Passed the meridian of the Cape on October 14 in 42' S. with fair W. winds, which continued more or less till the 27th, when a fresh gale from the N.E., accompanied by a very high sea, set in, the ship reaching on the port tack. The wind then backed to N.W., and blew a hard gale, with too much northerly sea to run. At 10 a.m. on the 28th the wind flew into about S.S.E., and blew hard for a few hours during which the ship was reaching or hove-to for 48 hours. The wind then went into the westward again, and moderate winds continued until Nov. 8, when we had a strong N. W. gale for about 8 hours. The wind then went into the west, blowing hard gale, with mountainous sea. Ran before it, and did no damage. Strong S.W. winds and heavy hail squalls followed until the 12th, when Tasmania was rounded. After that had one day of unsteady wind from W. to N.W., fresh, and lasting until Thursday last at 7 a.m., when the Three Kings were sighted. Wind then hauled to W. Cape Brett was passed on Friday at noon, and the anchor was dropped in harbour early this morning, the passage having occupied 99 days from the Downs.

Passengers :-


Mr. Rugby,

Mr. Brown,

Miss Axtell,

Second Cabin:

Thomas Dawes, Mrs. L. Dawes,

A. McKay, Mrs. McKay, Miss McKay,

Thomas Young,

Miss M. Winn, Miss A. Winn, Wm. Winn,

C. W. Wycherly, Mrs. Wycherly, Charles, Alfred, Jessie, Hannah, Henry, Grace, Clement, Mercy, Arthur, and Ernest Wycherly,

J. G. Osborne (Osborn), Mrs. Osborne (Osborn),

W. G. Henry,

E., Mary L., Edith, and John G. Osborne (Osborn),

Miss Jane Reid (Reed),

Albert Satman, and Mrs. M. Satman, Wm. and Elizabeth E. Satman,

Alice, Alfred, and Charles Doward.

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