The JOHN TEMPERLEY departed Gravesend on 8 May, 1865 and arrived in Auckland on 30 August, 1865, with Captain Ralph R Liddle in command.


Transcribed from the Daily Southern Cross, 31 August 1865, Page 3



The fine Sunderland-built ship John Temperley, 975 tons, Captain Liddle, anchored off the North Head yesterday afternoon, 112 days out, from London, with a large cargo of general merchandise and 70 passengers. The John Temperley sailed from Gravesend on the 8th May last, with light winds, and took her final departure from the Downs four days after. Experienced only light baffling winds, and made a tedious passage to the Cape of 71 days. Crossed the line on the 21st June, in 30' and ran down easting in 45', with ordinary weather. Rounded the Cape of Good Hope on 21st July. Saw a large iceberg in long. 49' E and lat 43' S. on the 27th July, which was upwards of 500 feet in height, and saw quantities of floating ice about the same time, but did not come in collision with any. Sighted tho coast of Tasmania on the 19th August, and made the North Cape of New Zealand on Monday last, the 28th. Had strong N.W. winds along the coast, and on Tuesday afternoon was within 150 miles of port. Came abreast of Tiritiri the same night, about 11.30.

On the 13th inst, when near the meridian of Tasmania, experienced a severe squall from the S.W., which carried away her foretop-mast, foretop gallant mast, and fore-yard.

Sighted no vessels connected with the colonies during the passage. Had one death and two births during the journey. Mr. George Putman, a steerage passenger, died of consumption. The immigrants were in medical charge of Mr. J. B. Creagh, and have all arrived in a healthy state, after a somewhat protracted passage of 112 days from the Downs.

Amongst the passengers are Major and Mrs. Whitmore, of Napier; also, a number of other passengers, as well as a small body of special settlers for Hawke's Bay. The John Temperley brings also a fine collection of birds, which have been carefully selected by Major Whitmore, for the purpose of acclimatisation. They comprise pheasants, sand grouse, Virginian quail, red-legged partridges, blackbirds, thrushes, and a variety of smaller birds. There are also on board a splendid short-horn cow, of Durham breed, and one Leicester yearling ram, besides a well-broken pointer, an excellent retriever, and a very fine boar pig, all imported by the gallant Major. A fine Leicester ram died during the passage.

Shortly before the vessel anchored at the North Heads, the saloon passengers presented the following very flattering testimonial to Captain Liddle --

        Near Auckland Harbour,

        August 20, 1806. To Ralph H. Liddle, R.N.R., Commander ship John Temperley.

Sir,— We, the undersigned, being all the saloon passengers of the ship under your command, cannot take our leave of you without expressing our unanimous testimony to the courtesy and kindness which we have experienced at your hand throughout the voyage. You have on all occasions made our wants and wishes your study, and have omitted nothing that was possible to promote our comfort, to vary the monotony of the voyage, and to preserve the harmony which has prevailed in our little circle.

We are sensible that our opinion of your professional attainments cannot possess much value; but we nevertheless think it but right to observe that your unceasing attention to the navigation and safety of the vesel, and constant supervision, at all hours and in all weathers, of the manner in which the duties of the ship were conducted, impressed us with a feeling of confidence that every human precaution would be taken to bring the voyage to a happy conclusion.

In bidding farewell to you, and to your kind and amiable wife; we all join in the warmest wishes for your future happiness and prosperity wherever your lot may be cast, and our earnest hope that you may both soon reach a happy anchorage on shore, long to enjoy the well-merited fruits of your eventful and honourable service at sea.

In conclusion, we beg that you will convey to the officers on the ship our sincere thanks for the civility and attention they have shown us on all occasions, and, once more, assuring you that our kindest wishes will follow and Mrs, Liddle in your voyage through life. We are &c;

G. S. Whitmore (Major), R. S. Hatchell (Captain), E. Sutherland, T. Murray Holme (17th Regiment), W. C. Barne (Ensign, 14th Regiment), H. W. Nesfield, T. W. Helyer, F. W. Sayce, Isabella Whitmore, Lucy H. Hatchell, F. Willon.


There are two passenger lists below, one from the Daily Southern Cross and the other from the New Zealand Herald. Be aware that there are some differences between the two lists.


Passenger list transcribed from the Daily Southern Cross, 31 August 1865, Page 3




G. S. Whitmore (Major), Mrs. G. S. Whitmore,

R. S. Hatchell and Mrs. Hatchell,

Mrs. S. Willon,

Erskine Sutherland,

Henry Wm. Nesfield,

George Henry,

Francis W. Sayce,

Henry Helyar,

William Charles Barne,

Thomas M. Holme.



Christopher Story,

Wm. Hy. Tyrrell,

Charles Wm. Jones,

Wm. Hy. Bennett,


Charles B. Arthur,

Jane Robbie,

Jane Hay,

Hugh and Susan McManus,

Stephen and Isabella Litt,

Richard S, Jane E., Jane, Minnie, Ellie H., Emily, Georgina Shortt.

Samuel A. Weston,

Wm. A. Jackson,

Walter Lea Evans,

Mary Andrews,

Matilda Atkinson,

Samuel, Ann, Margaret, and Rose McIlvery.

Walter Hampton,

Rachael Compton,

John McKee,

George, Mary, Ann, and Jane Embling,

William A., Rebecca, Clara P., and Emma Putman.

James and Johanna Barry,

James A. Bond,

Samuel Dyer,

Wm. and Mary Ann Britton,

John Stafford,

Henry and Ann Kendall,

Elizabeth Lumpton,

Thomas and Ann Rawlins,

Andrew Fitzpatrick,

Henry Smithson,

James Smith,

Daniel Robinson,

Eliza Likeley,

Mary Brennan,

Wm Dalton,

Richard White,

Jane, Robert, Mary Jane and Eliza M. Moore,

Charles W. Andrews,

Mary Twining,

Mary Stronger,

John Buchanan,

Ann Hallington,

James and Thos. Medland,

F. Grey,

Thomas Potter,

John Lincoln,

James Scott.


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Passenger list transcribed from the New Zealand Herald, 31 August 1865, Page 2


John Temperley, ship, 976 tons, Lieut. Lewis, R.N.R., from London.


Major and Mrs. Whitmore,

Captain and Mrs. Machell,

Mrs. S. Willow,

Mr. Sutherland,

Henry William Nesfield,

Lieut. Geo. Henry,

Mr. T. W.Layie,

Henry Helyar,

Ensign William Charles Burne, 14th Regt.

Thos. W. Holme,

Walter Hampton,

Samuel Dyer,

Ella Matilda Atkinson,

Rebecca Putman,

Hannah Steele,

Annie Rebecca, Ellie Henrietta, Emily Susan, and Georgina Sarah Short,

Eliza and Charles Bristow Bennett,

John Buchanan,

Samuel, Ann, Margaret and Rose McIlroy,

Jane, Robert, and Mary Jane Moore,

E. Mulligan,

Penelope and Wallace Massey,

Maria Crab,

Emma, E., Maria, and Richard Jas. Barton,

Sarah, Elizabeth Ann, Thos. Harry, and Chas. Cooke,

James Alexander Pond,

Wm. Alfred Putman,

Henry Kendall,

Christopher Story,

Jane Robbie,

Richard Steele,

Mary Andrews,

Wm. Henry Bennett,

Andrew Dionysius Fitzpatrick,

Chas. William Andrews,

Thomas and James Medland,

F. Grey,

Thomas Potter,

John Lincoln,

James Scott.

Total – 82


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