The Kaikoura departed London on 22 July 1896 and arrived in Wellington on 10 September 1896 via Plymouth. Captain F. Forbes was in command.

Transcribed from Evening Post, 10 September 1896, Page 4



At 1 this morning this favourite steamer of the New Zealand Shipping Company put in an appearance from London via Plymouth. Capetown, and Hobart. The Health Officer's examination being satisfactory, she was berthed at the Queen's "Wharf shortly after 8 am. The Kaikoura left Plymouth on 25th July, arrived at Teneriffe on the 30th, and sailed same day for Capetown. Arrived there, and left again on the 16th August, reaching Hobart at 10.30 am on the 5th instant. Resumed her voyage at 4.30 pm same day, sighted Farewell Spit at 2pm yesterday, and arrived as above, having experienced light variable winds from Hobart to this port. The tedium of the voyage was relieved by entertainments of various descriptions. Particulars of the cargo have already been published. Following is the passenger list - Saloon for Wellington - Miss Ditzel, Mr. Farmer; second saloon - Miss Underwood, Mrs. Underwood, Messrs Underwood (2), Morris, Cousins; steerage Miss Sent, Messrs Goddard, Hastings, King, Oliver, Sent, Williams. Saloon for other ports — Misses Smith and Thomson, Mrs. Griffin, Hon Smith, Messrs Fulton, Strickland, Latham, Griffin, Thomson; second saloon - Miss Rowell, Mesdames Rowell, Haddock, Keats, O'Connor, Rev Johnson, Messrs Jennings, Moss, Pidgeon, Rowell, Ashworth, Earl, Haddock, McEvans, O'Connor, Woods, Hamilton, Menzies, Hunter, Bostock, Jones, Downs, McGruer, Musters Haddock (2) 51 steerage. The Kaikoura is to ship here a small quantity of wool, tallow, &c., and sails on Saturday for Lyttelton, which port she will leave for England on 1st October.