THE KARAMEA departed London on 6 June, 1900 and arrived in Wellington on 31 July, 1900,

with Captain Burton in command.


Transcribed from the Evening Post, 1 August 1900, Page 4



At 5.45 last night the Shaw Savill and Albion Co's steamer Karamea dropped anchor in the stream, after a fairly fine-weather and uneventful voyage from London, Plymouth, Teneriffe, Capetown, and Hobart. She left Plymouth at 0.30 pm on 10th June, arrived at Teneriffe 11.20 pm on the 16th, discharged mails, and sailed for Capetown shortly afterwards, and met with moderate weather to arrival at the South African port at 7.25 am on 3rd July. She discharged 128 passengers and the mails, embarked 116 passengers, and left for Hobart at 5.30 pm on 4th, July. Experienced strong westerly winds and high westerly seas across the Southern Ocean to arrival at Hobart at 3.50 pm on 26th July. Landed the Australian portion of the invalided soldiers, and sailed for Wellington at 11.30 same evening. Met with strong westerly winds, high seas, rain squalls, and sleet across the Tasman Sea, and dropped anchor in Wellington harbour as above.

She brought the following passengers:-

Saloon- Misses Reece (3), Waine, Messrs Reece, Campbell, Macpherson, Chapman

Steerage - Misses Cragg, Gallagan (2), Parkes (2), Martin, Chatham, Grady, Mesdames Parkes, Chatham; Sergeants Findlay, Orbell, Corporals Overton, Strange, Privates Herford, Newdick, Wilson, Hilliar, Jackson, Meredith, Davis, Messrs Cotter, Biggins, Wells, Gallagan, McDonald, Hunt, Cummings, Chatham, Hornes, Fear, Poole, Edwards

The Karamea was inspected by the Health Officer this morning, and was brought alongside the Queen's wharf at 9.30 am, when an immediate start was made to discharge mails and cargo. She has 3200 tons cargo, including transhipments, to put out at this port. Captain Burton, RNR, is in command, and the other deck officers are - Messrs Rainey, chief; Cluff, second; Jackson, third; and Bullie (late Pakeha), fourth. Mr Bland (late Matatua) is steward-in-chief.



Copyright – Gavin W Petrie - 2012