The MAMARI departed London on 14 December 1904 and arrive in Wellington, via Capetown and Hobart, on 2 February 1905. Thomas Moffatt was in command.


Transcribed from Evening Post, 2 February 1905, Page 4.


MAMARI ARRIVES FROM LONDON. The new steamer Mamari, the latest addition to the fleet of the Shaw Savill, and Albion Company, arrived in the stream last night from London via Capetown and Hobart and was birthed at No. 1 South, Queen's Wharf, early this morning. The vessel left London on the 16th December, and had an uneventful trip out. She is a fine looking boat, with up to date fittings for the carriage of passengers and cargo. A detailed description of the vessel has been published in this column, suffice to say that she is the sister ship to the fine steamer Matatua.

In addition to the passenger list which has been published, the Mamari brought the following for Wellington:-

From London -

Messrs E. Pike, J. Bragg, H. Bragg, Masters A Bragg, E. Moffat

From Capetown -

Messrs R. B. Barbour, R. Bieuck, W. E. Fry, A Clarson, W. Johnston, W. Martin, J. H.I. Maraeton, H. Lord, W. H. Shore, J. C. Thompson, W. H. Turner, S. Waite, C. Campbell, J W. S. Leonard, T. H. Stapleton, J. H. Browning

From Hobart -

J. M. Fuller

The vessel is under the command of Captain Moffatt, late of the Maori, and he has the following officers to assist him:- Chief Mr H. Clayden; second, Mr. R. S. Lewis; third, Mr. V. J. Boudet; fourth. Mr. E. C. Young; Mr. G. Arthur is chief engineer, Mr. R. Ramsbottom, second, Mr. A. Pollock, third, Mr. W. J. Esplin, fourth, Mr. J. R. Davis, fifth and Mr. C. Ross, sixth. Mr. T. Radford is chief refrigeration engineer, and Mr. E. H. Day second. Dr. K. Mackay is surgeon, and Mr. J. Sutherland chief steward. On completing the discharge of her Wellington cargo the vessel is to continue on to Lyttelton.


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