Otago Daily Times, January 13th, 1880                                        See below for passenger list.


Shortly after 6pm on Sunday, January 11th, a signal was made from the Pilot Station at

Otago Heads to the effect that the ship Margaret Galbraith was standing in for the

entrance. The tug Koputai proceeded down the harbour at 10.30pm and brought the

vessel into port at 2a.m. on the 12th January, anchoring her off Mansford Bay. The

Margaret Galbraith is an old trader to this port, having been built at Port Glasgow in

1868 for the Albion Shipping Company, from whose hands she passed in 1876, and

was then purchased by Messrs Shaw, Savill and Co., under whose flag she now sails,

our old friend Captain John Ferguson being still in command - Mr Mclntosh being Chief

and Mr Potter being Second Officer. She brings a quantity of general cargo and 140

passengers, under the medical supervision of Dr. Stockwell who reports the general

health of the passengers to have been good throughout the voyage, only one death, that

of a child from stomatitis and diarrhoea having occurred. This has been counter balanced

by two births. The good ship comes into port in excellent order, and has made a capital

run out, her passage from London docks to Port Chalmers having occupied 87 days,

and from land to land 77 days. Captain Ferguson reports the passage to have been

entirely a fine weather one, and states that after he took up the north-east trades he had

never taken the fore and main topgallant sails off the ship. No vessels were spoken to

during the passage nor was any ice or wreckage observed. She passed the Crozet group

on December 22nd, but not near enough to observe whether any persons were on the

islands. Captain Ferguson wished to get closer in to them, but was prevented by the

weather coming on thick, which rendered it prudent for him to give them a wide berth,

however anxious he might have been to ascertain if any castaways were there. The ship

left the East India docks on October 16th 1879, and anchored in the Downs on the next

day, on the 19th she encountered a very heavy westerly gale, which she beat under her

lower fore and main topsails, strong head winds were encountered all down the Channel,

and it was not until October 26th that she cleared the land. taking her departure from the

Lizards, with a strong S.W. Breeze which hauled round to S.E. With dark rainy weather.

The island of Palma was sighted at noon on November 4th and there she lay becalmed

for two days, encountering on November 6th a heavy gale of wind from the S.S.W.

Attended by terrific squalls, the ship being under her lower main topsail. During the height

of the gale the starboard lifeboat was carried away clean out of the davits. After the weather

moderated she had light S.W. Winds and calms until November 10th, when the first of the >

north-east trades was taken in latitude 23N, the trades proved light, and died away in latitude

6N, they were followed by a short spell of doldrum weather, and at noon on November 18th

the south east trades were picked up in latitude 3N, the equator being crossed on the next

day in longitude 29W, 34 days out, the trades proved very light and were attended by fine >

weather, and in latitude 24S hauled round to the N.E., continuing in that quarter until she

reached 80S. She passed and sighted Gough Island on December 9th, and crossed the

Meridian of Greenwich on the next day in latitude 42S 65 days out, rounding the Cape of

Good Hope on December 15th in latitude 43S, passed and sighted the Crozet group on

December 22nd, and thence experienced fresh westerlies across the Southern Ocean,

crossing the meridian of Cape Louwin on December 31 st, still carrying favourable winds.

She made the coast of New Zealand on January 8th, and on that day encountered a very

heavy northerly gale, which continued until she rounded the Snares on the following day,

experienced light winds along the coast, and arrived at Otago Heads on the 11th January.




Dr. Stockwell

Messrs. Kelsey, Turpin, Low

            SECOND CABIN:

C. Graham

Jacob and Margaret Graham

Hannah Graham

Elizabeth Graham

John Graham

Joseph Graham

Mrs Halliday

Sarah Agnes Halliday

Alfred Dawson

Mary Dawson

John Neil

W. Halliday

Richard Hoilditch

Margaret Miller

Robert Wardrop

William Harlock

Mary Harlock

Hannah Harlock

Mary A. Harlock

W. H. Harlock

J. J. Harlock

S. Samuel

William Embleton

Sarah Embleton


Thomas Surman

L. McKenzie

Alfred Hull

Pat D?aff?

Richard Dobson

Jane Dobson

Mary Dobson

W. Dodd

John Sharples

Dorothy Sharples

Richard Pearce

C. Vickers

Ann Vickers

Thompson Vickers

Joseph Vickers

W. Tably

W. Appleby

Elizabeth Appleby

John Appleby

Thomas Dooley

J. T. Chadwick

Betsy Chadwick

Frederick Stafford

Rebecca Stafford

J. A. H. Ruston?

Thomas J. Scott

Mary J. Scott

Samuel Scott


Elizabeth Fryer

Fanny Freyer

Matilda Fryer

Kate Kennedy?

Thomas Walton

Elizabeth Walton

Selina Walton

Samuel Neal

John Neal

James Gracie

George Culdar?

Mrs Woods

Frederick Woods

John Greatorex

C. J. Seymour

F. J. Seymour

William Essex

James Gibson

E. A. Western?

R. O'Harah

J. Berry

Mrs Berry

William Berry

John Marrott

John Boote

Sarah Ann Boote

Charles Boote

Charlotte Boote

Walter Cantor?

J. Holmes

F. Holmes

George Tatham

J. Mylot

V. M. Maloney?

George Hayward

Mary Vickers

John Vickers

James Graham

John Emerson

Elizabeth Emerson

Teasdale Emmerson

John Emmerson

Ralph Emerson

Jonathon Emerson

Thomas Emerson

Fairless Emerson

Edith Emerson

John Coatsworth

Sarah Coatsworth

Elizabeth Coatsworth

Thomas Coatsworth

Jane Ann Coatsworth

Thomas Dalton

Mary Dalton<

Thomas Milburn

William Coatsworth

Phoebe Coatsworth

Jacob Milburn

Jacob and Eliza Batey

Adam Smart

John Milburn

Phillis Milburn

George Walton

Jane Walton

Vickers Walton

Rhoda Walton

J. Milburn

Jane Milburn

Philip Milburn

Mary Milburn

Mary Milburn

Ernest Milburn

J. L. Thompson

G. Rutherford

Jane Rutherford

Jane Rutherford

Thomasina Hutchinson

Jane Rutherford

Hannah Rutherford

Mary Ann Rutherford

John Rutherford

W. A. Tably

Mrs M. A. Tably

Ann Tably

Charles Stedman

W. F. Crye?

J. Castlidine

Mrs Castlidine

145 people in all, of whom 53 men, women and children were from Weardale, County Durham.

The following is a small account of two of the families that were on board that are related to Bev Dey:-

Jacob Baty a lead miner from Killhope, married Elizabeth Brown, born Coalcleugh, Northumberland, at Heatherycleugh Church on October, 1879. Jacob and Elizabeth lived in Dunedin until about 1885, then came to the West Coast, where they farmed at Coal Creek, near Greymouth. There were nine children, Joseph William, Thomas Bertie, Mary Margaret, Walton, Alfred, John, Ivy, Sarah, Hilda.

Jacob Graham, shoemaker from Copthill, Weardale, married Margaret Baty 29th October 1870 at the Westgate Primitive Methodist Chapel, Weardale. Jacob and Margaret lived on Otago Peninsula close to Lanarchs Castle where they ran a small farm. There were four children, Elizabeth, Batey (Bert), Hannah and William.

All the information on this page has been kindly supplied by Bev Dey, so if you would like more information on the above two families, please make contact with Bev Dey.
