The MORNING LIGHT departed Liverpool on 23 October, 1860 and arrived in Auckland4 March, 1861 via Melbourne, with Captain J Gillies in command.


Transcribed from the Daily Southern Cross, 5 March 1861, Page 2



March 4 - Morning Light, ship, 2377 tons, J. Gillies, from Liverpool, via Melbourne.

Passengers from Liverpool -

Wm. Cullen,

A. Tillotson,

W. G. C. Williams,

R. Oatway,

Miss Fraser,

Mrs. and Miss Lorie,

Jamie and Kate Lorie,

J. O. McPherson,

Mr. Lloyd,

Mr. Cunningham,

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Finlay,

Robt and Eliza Marks,

David Seator,

Mr. and Mrs. Hills and 3 children,

Joseph Firth,

Richd. E. Hillstead,

Henry Anderson,

Jas. Murphy,


From Melbourne -

Mr. and Mrs. Frazer,

Mr. and Mrs. Moody,

Mr. H. Casement,

Chas. Hare,

James Williams,

Jacob Alloway,

J. Roberts,

J. Henderson,

J. Anderson,

Geo. Cotterill


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Copyright – Gavin W Petrie - 2012
