The PERCH departed Gravesend on 27 August 1865 and arrived in Auckland on 2 December 1865, with Captain Weatherburn in command.


Transcribed from Daily Southern Cross, 1 January 1866, Page 4



The London immigrant ship Percy 991 tons, Captain Weatherburn, made the harbour on Saturday afternoon, after a protracted passage of 123 days. She brings a large cargo of general merchandise, and 93 passengers, amongst whom are a number of agricultural and other labourers, servants, and artisans. The Percy left Gravesend on the 27th of August last, and Deal on the 29th. Parted with the pilot off the Isle of Wight, at 3.30 p.m. the same day, and lost sight of land two days afterwards, September Ist On the 7th encountered a strong northerly gale, and afterwards had light variable winds until arriving at the meridian of the equator on the 11th of October, 43 days out. Crossed the line in longitude 32 27, and ran down her easting in 46 47. Passed the meridian of the Cape on the 9th of November, in latitude 42 9, longitude 151 E, 72 days out. Passed the Brazilian coast on the 17th October. Had light winds and fine weather, with inferior trades, throughout the passage, and made the New Zealand coast on Wednesday last, 120 days from the time of parting pilot. She. brings 14 saloon, 7 second cabin, and 72 steerage passengers, who have all arrived in good health, in medical charge of Dr. Shoolbraid. There were three birth- during the passage, namely:— On the 22nd October, the wifo of George Wiltshire; on the 26th October, the wife of William Cook; and on the 31st October, the wife of Edward Yates, all steerage passengers, were safely delivered. There were also two deaths during the passage:- On the 26th September, W. E. Pitman, second Cabin steward, died of fever. Deceased was in delicate health when leaving London. On the 18th November, in latitude 43 57, longitude 29 19, John Burrell, an able seaman, met his death by drowning. Deceased, it appears, went over the ship's bulwarks in order to make the hose fast, prior to washing decks, and is supposed to have lost his hold during the lurching of the vessel. A lifeboat was lowered and the ship hove to, but the unfortunate man never rose to the surface. After an hour's search the boat returned to the vessel.

On the 16th December, an accident of a painful nature occurred on board, which nearly cost the captain his life. The circumstances, as reported by the doctor, are as follows:— A passenger named Geo. Moilliet had been shooting at an albatross with a six-chambered revolver, and, it was thought, had fired off all the barrels, when he submitted the piece to Captain Weatherburn for inspection. Only five barrels were, it appears, discharged, for, as the captain handed baok the revolver to the young man, the sixth accidentally went off. The muzzle of the piece was pointed to the captain, and the bullet, which was a small conical one, entered the right side of his chest, an inch and a half from the sternum. The ball took a slanting direction downwards and inwards. Both persons were standing on the poop at the time of the accident. Dr. Shoolbraid dressed the wound, and, under his care, the captain steadily progressed towards recovery, although the ball was never extracted. Captain Weatherburn was confined to his cabin, in consequence of the accident, from the date of its occurrence until the morning of his arrival in port, when he was sufficiently recovered to walk the poop.

During the passage out divine service iras performed every Sunday by the Rev. J. L. Moilliet, a Church of England minister on a visit to Auckland.

Several complimentary testimonials, together with purses of money, subscribed by the saloon and second-cabin passengers, were presented to the captain and surgeon on the arrival of the vessel in port.

The following vessels were spoken during the passage: — On the Ist September, in the English Channel, the ship Essex from Melbourne; on the 9th October, two days before crossing the meridian of the equator, exchanged signals with the Liverpool immigrant ship Chariot of Fame, bound to Melbourne, 41 days out. This vessel arrived at her destination on the 2nd December, and reported having sighted the Percy on the day named.

Amongst the passengers by this vessel, as will be seen by the following list, are several old settlers, who return to the province after a brief absence.



Joseph May,

John May,

John Martin,

William Reynolds,

Thomas E. Turner,

Philip Wright,

Albert, Benjamin, and John Bodkin;

J. F. Marshall,

Mary Venning,

Jane L. Abrams,

Jemima Minnie Avant,

Frederick Abrams,

Second Cabin.—

The Rev. J. L. Moilliet,

Messrs - George Moilliet, James R. Moilliet, Frederick William Gouland, Sarah Sakett, A. Tissington,

Miss Bevan.


Elizabeth and Ann Jane ßridgman;

G. Hayward,

Geo. Bryers,

Mary Bryers,

Ellen Coffey,

Philip Coffey,

John W. Harrison,

Ann Wilson,

W. J. Gondle,

Jane Gondle and Child;

Horace F. Lealy,

Wm. Pitts,

James Wheeler,

David Cragg,

Ed. Charnley,

Geo. Mayben,

Richard Sephton,

Mary Edgar,

James, Susan, Rachel, Mary, Emily, George Chorda;

E. Lane,

W. C. Ryland,

Geo. Wiltshire,

Sarah Wiltsbire,

Wm. and Mary Cook;

John and Thos Nolan;

S. McKie,

Robt. and Margaret Wilson;

Mary Carrick,

W. Evans,

Emma Evans,

John, Jane and Elizabeth Ross;

John and Fanny Cook;

Margaret McGill,

Hugh Campbell,

George, Sarah, and George Bullock;

Frederick Parke,

Rosanna and Ellen Farley;

Mary, Alexander, and Sarah Kelly;

William and Elizabeth Edgar;

Mary Ann and Henry Burston;

William M. Lee,

Wadham Norvill,

Henry Young,

John and Jane Hawthorn;

Margaret Gribbon,

Elizabeth Paine,

George Warrington,

E. and Mary Ann Yates and infant.


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