London to Auckland, arriving 11th June 1866

Shipping News -The Daily Southern Cross, Tuesday, 12 June 1866.
The fine British built ship Queen of the North, Captain Green, R.N.R., in command, arrived in port yesterday from London with 84 immigrants and a large general cargo.
The Queen of the North is a sister ship to the Mary Shepherd, recently in this port, and owned by the same firm. She was despatched by Messrs. Moulder Bros., of London, and is a comfortable roomy vessel of 824 tons register. Notwithstanding every disadvantage of foul winds and a long continuation of calms on the line, the passage was made in 113 days.

She left London on the 27th of January, and Gravesend on 1st February, but was compelled to remain in Portland Roads, owing to the strong westerly gales experienced, until the 17th February. The gales continued unabated throughout that time.

On the 18th February, the wind having abated, cleared Channel and was enabled to make a good run as far as lat. 21º 47' N, long 19º 13' W. From the 1st to the 7th March was becalmed. On the 18th March sighted the island of St. Antonio, and fell in with very moderate S.E. trade winds. On the 14th March crossed the meridian of the equator and seven days afterwards in lat. 14º 46' S, long. 28º 9' W, spoke the British ship Galloway 58 days from Callao, bound to Cowes for orders, and sent letters by her.

On the 9th April passed the meridian of Tristan d’Acunha, having experienced very fine weather with extremely light S.E. trades up to that time. On the 25th April passed the meridian of the Cape of Good Hope experiencing strong E. and S.E. winds. On the 15th May sighted the island of St Paul and on the 1st inst. passed the meridian of the South Cape of Tasmania. Experienced a succession of gales and unsteady squally weather after passing the meridian of the Cape of Good Hope, the wind principally veering from N.W. to S.E.

Sighted the Three Kings on Saturday evening, and passed the North Cape at 5 a.m. on the following day (Sunday), making the harbour as above, after a tedious fine weather passage.

The vessel has arrived in port in a healthy cleanly condition, and reports no sickness or births during the passage. The immigrants were in medical charge of Dr F.H. Burdett.

Captain Green reports only one circumstance of a painful nature having occurred during the passage, which was the violent death of the second cabin steward. On the 15th May, deceased, named William Viller, was aloft furling the fore-top-gallant sail, and missing his hold fell heavily on deck. Death was instantaneous, and all medical skill unavailing. The body was committed to the deep the same evening.

The passengers speak in the highest terms of the comfort of the ship, which is roomy and suitable for passengers. She is also a very strong-built comfortable sailing vessel, like the sister ship Mary Shepherd, and is commanded by efficient officers. The system of electing gentlemen of experience evidently works well, for it almost invariably produces a degree of co-operation highly necessary in promoting the well-being of the persons on board. The general appearance of the people was prepossessing in the extreme - indeed, rather more so than some batches of importations; and it is extremely pleasant to add the captains testimony to a course of good conduct during the voyage.

Captain Dally and family return to the colony in this vessel, after an absence of more than two years, during which time he has done the province good service in his capacity as agent of the Provincial Government.

Amongst the passengers are a number of nominated and selected assisted emigrants, shipped by Messrs. A.F. Ridgway and Sons, London.

The following are the trades and occupations of the passengers:-

Farmers, 7; farm servants, 4; clergyman, 1; tailor, 1; brewer, 1; auctioneer, 1; painter, 1; domestic servants, 7; housekeeper, 1; labourers, 5; iron-worker 1; engineer, 1; soldiers, 4, smith, 1; mast maker 1; The nationality of the immigrants is as follows:- English, 63; Scotch, 3; Irish 16, total 84.

The New Zealand Herald account of the same date opens its account:

“The fine A1 clipper ship Queen of the North, Lieut. Green, R.N.R., was signalled at an early hour yesterday morning and fetched her anchorage off the Queen street wharf at 2p.m. after a very tedious passage of 112 days from Portland.”

The passengers are listed in Saloon or First Class 21 passengers, Second class 23, Third class (Nominated assisted emigrants, and Selected assisted emigrants ) 40, total 84.

The passenger lists in both newspapers have the same names in the same order. Although not very consistent about it, the punctuation in the Herald list seems to group those travelling together, separating each family or group by a seem colon rather than just another comma as in the Southern Cross list. This is the Herald list for the Second Class only.

Second class: Marmaduke Walker, James Davey, Eliza Davey; Rose Vickery, Tom Vickery, Jane Vickery; Ann Davey, Eliza Davey; John Cole Smith, John Banks, Elizabeth Banks; William Carpenter, Mrs Hannah Carpenter; Alice Bond, James Archibald, Stephen Carr, William Thorogood, Peter Cleve, Annie Cleve, Maria Cleve, James Cleve, Jane Cleve, George Marin Cleve. 23 adults.

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Copyright Gavin W Petrie 2008