The RIMUTAKA departed London on 26 June 1891 and arrived in Wellington on 12 August 1891 via Plymouth, Teneriffe, Capetown and Hobart. Captain Herbert Green street was in command.



Transcribed from the Evening Post, 13 August 1891.



The N.Z.S. Co.’s RMS Rimutaka, Commander Greenstreet, from London, arrived in harbour at 11.30 last night. She left Plymouth at 1.30 pm on 28th June, having on board 137 passengers, and reached Teneriffe at 12.40 am on 3rd July; sailed same day, and arrived at Capetown at 10.25 am on the 20th; experienced fine weather to the Equa­tor, and thence to the Cape had very strong S.E. trades and high seas; after landing three and em­barking seven passengers, and coaling at the Cape she proceeded; had stiff W. winds to Hobart, reached at 9 am on the 9th; here 48 passengers, 14 bags of mails and 250 tons of cargo were landed, and she left at 6 pm same day for Welling­ton, arriving as above, after a fine-weather run. Mr. Dallas, chief engineer, having left, Mr. Pitcher, second engineer, has succeeded him.


Following is a list or her passengers:— For Wel­lington: Saloon — Miss M. A. Bayley and Mrs. Handyside; second saloon — Misses E. Clairmont and A. Foster, Mesdames Grapes and child, Middleton and son, Messrs W. Courtney, Grapes, H. Hamling and A. Hayne; steerage — Miss E. Reed, Mesdames Aston and son, Chapman and family, Singers and son, Messrs Aston, Briggs, Chapman, Corcoran, Curtis, Douglas, Hooban, Johnson (2) and Tews.


For other ports: Saloon — Misses Dyer, J. Robinson and C. Simmons, Dr Cayley, Rev W. Scorgie, Mr. and Mrs. Yorke and family, and Mr. O. Gray; second saloon — Misses Elliott, Hayman, McDonald, Robertson, Douglas (2), Mit­chell, Mclntosh, Menge and Scrivener, Mesdames Hayter, Elliott and son, Messrs Elliott (5), Radcliffe, Kennedy, Reynolds, Collings, Wooldridge, Maskew, Theobald, Fraser, McTavish, Walker and Menzies; 70 steerage.



Copyright – Gavin W Petrie – June 2020