The RIMUTAKA departed Plymouth on 9 April 1887, and arrived in Wellington on 22 May 1887, with Captain Turpin in command.


Transcribed from the Evening Post 23 May 1887. Page 2.




The N.Z.S. Co.'s RMS Rimutaka, Capt Turpin arrived here at noon yesterday, and, after being granted a clearance by the Health Officer, was berthed at the Queen's Wharf shortly after 1 pm. She left Plymouth at 1.30 pm on the 9th April having on board 294 bags of mails, and reached Madeira at 7 pm on the 13th; left at 2.30 pm same day, and arrived at the Cape at 10 am on the 29th sailed at 2 pm, arriving at Hobart at 8 am on the 18th May; sailed again at 2.15 pm, and arrived as above. The weather experienced was exceptionally fine, and the voyage has been very much enjoyed by the passengers, for whose amusement concerts, dances, athletic sports, &c, were instituted. The officers are:— Chief, Mr. Scruby; second, Mr. Crouchier; third, Mr. Buchanan; fourth, Mr. Cobb chief engineer, Mr. Dallas; and purser, Mr. Jones (late of the Arizona). Following is a list of the passengers:-


Saloon –

Miss Acland

Mr. and Mrs. Grierson

Mr. and Mrs. Blake

Dr. and Mrs. Mackie and servant

Captain Pearse

Messrs - Braidwood, Gray, Hopkins and Neill (2);


Second Saloon –

Miss Warnes

Mesdames –

Meyer and 3 children

Keating and 4 children

Oxenham and 2 children


Unsworth and 3 children

Watson and 2 children


Bailey and 5 children


Gore, Oates, Warnes, Watkinson, Craig, Evans, McGrath and Tuke, Rev Meyer, Messrs Keating, Oxenham, Unsworth, Southal, Watson, Frankland, Adam, Leslie, Bowdler, Burkill, Cooper, Corbett, Hunter, Macfie, Lappington, Mackenzie, Oates, Pearson and Whitley;


Steerage - 52

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