The TALBOT departed London on 2 August, 1864 and arrived in Auckland on 21 December, 1864, with Captain Henry James in command.


Transcribed from the Daily Southern Cross, 22 December 1864, Page 4



The ship Talbot, so long and anxiously looked for, dropped anchor off the North Head at 10 o'clock last night, after a long and tedious passage of 141 days from London. The Talbot is a Sunderland-built vessel, and is owned by the firm of Temperley, Carter, and Darby, whose vessels in the Australian trade are favourably known. The length of the Talbot's passage on this occasion is owing to the very light winds she met with before passing the meridian of the Cape of Good Hope. She had scarcely any N E or S E trades, and was becalmed for ten days between the Equator and the Cape. The passage to the Cape of Good Hope occupied three months, owing to the light variable weather which was experienced. She made the run from the Cape to Tasmania in twenty-nine days, which is a proof that she is not deficient in sailing qualities. She is a vessel of 847 tons, commanded by Captain James, and brings a full cargo of general merchandise, and 163 passengers. Notwithstanding the lengthened passage the Talbot has made, she has arrived in port in a cleanly condition. No deaths occurred during the voyage, and there was scarcely any sickness. The whole of the passengers had arrived in excellent health.

The following is the report of her passage — Left the Downs on the 3rd of August, and took her final start on the 7th from the Lizard. Passed inside Madeira, and sighted Porto Santo on the 19th of the same month, the Deserters Island on the 20th and Teneriffe on the 24th, experiencing very indifferent N.E. trades. Crossed the equator on the 19th September, in 11 56; had light S.E. trades, and was afterwards becalmed for ten days. The meridian of the Cape was made on the 31st October, in 45 south latitude, and the easting was run down to 47 south. Fine weather and strong breezes were met with between the Cape and Tasmania, which was passed on the 29th November. The first land made on the New Zealand coast was on the 7th December. On the 9th Hunter's Hill was sighted, and on the 10th Akaroa, near Canterbury. Strong northerly winds were experienced after passing Tasmania, until getting to the eastward of New Zealand, since when light airs and calms have prevailed.

The subjoined is a list of the passengers:—




Chief Cabin —

Dr. Swayne, surgeon, Mrs. Swayne and 5 Children.


Second Cabin —

W. Elias, farmer,

T. Price, artist,

F. W. Stretton, gentleman, Mrs. Stretton and 11 children,

H. Morey, petty officer H.M.N, Mrs. Morey and 6 children,

E. Huntley, farmer,

B. Gerring, farmer,

A. Gerring, farmer,

A. Taylor, carpenter,

Miss Mortlock,

H. Archer,


Steerage —

W. Griffiths, shaftmaker,

Harriet Sargent, Servant,

J. G. Sargent,

Margaret Baxter, servant,

Hugh Doherty, labourer,

W. Brooks, tilemaker,

John James, labourer, Mrs. James,

Martha Edwards, servant,

Hannah Casey, servant,

Jacob Beitz, farmer,

W. Werner, baker,

C. Lizard, labourer,

J. Crawford, farm servant,

W. Crawford, farm servant,

A. Turley, capitalist, Mrs. Turley,

Joseph Bowman, labourer, Mrs. Bowman and 2 children,

G. Barker, farmer, Mrs. Barker,

J. McDermott, brickmaker,

Mary White (housewife) and 6 children,

J. Brown, farmer,

Mrs. Brown and 5 children,

C. Tringham, carpenter,

A. Lamb, farm labourer, Mrs. Lamb and 4 children,

J. Witheridge, mason, Mrs. Witheridge, J. Witheridge, mason,

V. Cotello, carpenter, Mrs. Cotello,

Enoch Grice, miner,

P. Long, farm labourer,

W. North, carpenter, Mrs. North and child,

T. Egan, farm labourer,

S. Middleton, miner, Mrs. Mlddleton,

W. Ball, miner; Mrs. Ball and 2 children,

R. Jones, collier, Mrs. Jones and 1 child,

T. Stokes, miner, Mrs. Stokes and 5 children,

G. Wicks, blacksmith, Mrs. Wicks and 3 children,

J. McLean, fisherman, Mrs. McLean and 3 children,

M. McRae, fisherman, Mrs. McRae and 3 children,

A. Mackenzie, farm labourer,

A. Mackenzie, fisherman,

A. Mackenzie, fisherman,

J. Kelly, mason,

Mary Kelly, servant,

Eliza Kelly, servant,

Margaret Kelly, servant,

J. Conolly, farm labourer, Mrs. Conolly and 3 children,

John Smith, miner, Mrs. Smith and 5 children,

J. Staley, miner,

Uriah Hurrell, mason, Mrs. Hurrell and 6 children,

G. Cocking, miner,

A. McMillan, labourer, Helen McMillan,

H. Hawkes, labourer,

Ann Manders, servant,

Margaret Broad, servant,

Sarah Byers, servant,

J. Bailey,

W. Cooper, Mrs. Cooper and 3 children


Total, 163 souls.


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Copyright – Gavin W Petrie – 2013