The TONGARIRO departed London on 29 April 1896 and Plymouth on 2 May 1896 and arrived in Wellington on 19 June 1896, via Capetown and Hobart. Captain Francis Mayoss was in command.


Evening Post, 19 June 1896, Page 4



The N.Z.S. Co.'s ss Tongariro left Plymouth on 2nd May, arrived at Teneriffe on 7th May, left at 6.44 pm same day, crossed the Equator on 14th Mar, and arrived at Capetown at daybreak on the 24th. Discharged passengers and cargo, and left for Hobart at 1.45 pm, reaching there on the 13th June, and sailed for Wellington next day, dropping anchor at 8 this morning. The run from Capetown to Hobart was remarkably fine, fresh to moderate westerly winds being encountered. On 29th May in lat. 45 S. and long. 46 W., three icebergs were passed, and on 30th May in lat. 45 21 S. long. 52 80 E., another small one was passed. A barque was passed on Thursday last, steering eastward, but too far off to ascertain her name. At Hobart and after leaving bad weather was experienced, and on Sunday last the full force of a heavy easterly gale was encountered. The voyage has been uneventful, and the health of all on board satisfactory. The vessel was berthed at the Queen's Wharf at 10.30, and commenced discharging at once. She has 2350 tons on board, of which 1600 tons will be landed here. About 15,000 legs of mutton, 400 bales wool, and a quantity of tallow and dairy produce will be shipped, after which she sails for Lyttelton about Tuesday next. Her departure from the colony is timed from Lyttelton on the 9th July.

The passenger list of the Tongariro comprises the following:—

Saloon for Wellington— Mesdames Greig and Burns, Dr. Greig, Messrs Hemans and Burns; second cabin — Misses Dornwell and Oliver, Mesdames Dornwell and Oliver, Messrs Oliver (2), Shinner, Wade, Andrews, Master Oliver; steerage —Misses Drew, Head, Larking, Messrs Arthur, Chadwick, Kemp, Law, Larking (2), Petit, Master Larking.

For other ports: Second cabin— Misses Reeves and Collins (2), Mesdames Borjeson and Marsh, Revs. Poole and Hart, Dr. McBrearty;

17 steerage.


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