The TONGARIRO departed London 10 February 1887 and arrived in Wellington on 26 March 1887, with Captain J E Bone in command.


Transcribed from the Evening Post, 28 March 1887. Page 2.



The N.Z.S. Co.'s R.M.S. Tongariro came into our harbour at 4.40 pm on Saturday, from London, via Plymouth, Madeira, Capetown, and Hobart. She brings 1400 tons of cargo, of which 600 are for Lyttelton, 200 for Port Chalmers, 100 for Auckland, and 500 for Wellington. The voyage out has been a very pleasant one. Amusements in the shape of concerts, dances, Calcutta sweeps, &c, have been got up, and passed off satisfactorily, and the passengers speak highly of the attention paid them by Captain Bone and his officers. Of the passage we learn that the Tongariro left Plymouth after embarking 137 passengers and 374 bags of mails at 1.30 pm on the 12th February. Experienced fresh to moderate winds and fine weather to Madeira, arriving at 5 am on 16th February; steaming time, 8 days 16 hours 32 minutes. After coaling left at noon of same day, with moderate to light NE trades to Equator, crossing in 9dg W. From thence to 2dg S light and squally weather; experienced moderate to fresh SE trades and head sea to 30dg S, when the wind shifted to the north, with thick foggy weather, which delayed the steamer two hours. During a lift in the fog made Green Point, and were enabled to steam into port during the break, arriving at 1.30 pm on 3rd March; total time from Plymouth, 19 days 0 hours 23 minutes; steaming, 18 days 16 hours 3 minutes; average speed, 13.2 knots. Left Cape at 7.0 pm same day, and experienced for the first two days light winds and foggy weather, thence NW and westerly winds and fine weather to long. 81dg. When she met with fresh easterly winds, freshening to a hard gale on the 15th in long. 96dg. Passed the Eddystone Rock at 8 am, and arrived at Hobart at 1pm on 22nd March; steaming time from Cape, 18 days 6 hours 24 minutes. Left again at 6.30 pm of same day for Wellington, and experienced moderate to light NW winds and fine weather, arriving as above. Total time from Plymouth, 42 days 3 hours 10 minutes; steaming, 40 days 18 hours 37 minutes. The officers associated with Captain Bone remain the same as last voyage, with the exception of Mr. W. H. Smallage, who succeeds Mr. W. B. Manley, as fourth officer. We have to thank the purser (Mr. Burleson) for files and report.


Following is a list of her passengers :—




Misses – E. Montefiore and M. Cotton


Mesdames - Beath and family, W. Malcolm, E. Nathan, Packer and family


Lieut-Col H. Cotton


Messrs – L A. Abraham, G. Beath, H. Debro, W. Bond, H. Davey, H. Packer, R. Wade, and Rev R. O'Donnell


Second cabin —


Misses - C. and M. Airey, M J. Cochrane, Elliott. E. Farrant, L. and G. Heise, and J H. Horne


Mesdames – D. Cresswell, R A. Gill and family, M. Munce, A. Sleator, Neville and 2 children


Messrs - G. Barsdorff , C. Buckland, T A. Cresswell, G F. Druce, R. Gill, A A. Heylin, C E. Molesworth, J. and R. Newton, A G. Rope, J A. Sleator, H G. Stringer, E. Webb, A. Wickes, W R. Lewers and family;


Steerage —


Miss M. Walsh


Mesdames - Baker, E. Cluse and family, Francis and child, Gould and family, Moffatt and family, Skinner and family, A. Skilton, Smith, Duckworth and family, Messrs H. Agnew, R. Anderson, A. Baker, E. Bingham, J. and T. Brown, E. Byrne, C. Cluse,. G. Collier, H. Crossdale, J. Dempsey, E. Duckworth, J. Francis, A. Gates, W. Gorst, R. Gould. J. Harris, T. Leap. M. Jennings, T. Mahon, A. McLean, J. Mills, J. Parsons, J. Philpott, T. Powell, R. Roake, D. Skinner, G. Smith, R. Stanley, J. Walsh, R. and W. Wright


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