The TONGARIRO departed London on 6 September, 1902 and arrived in Auckland, via Plymouth, Teneriffe, Capetown and Hobart on 25 October, 1902, with Captain J A Sutcliffe in command.


Transcribed from the Auckland Star, 25 October 1902, Page 4




The mail steamer Tongariro, with the Right Hon. R. J. Seddon and party and the returning members of the New Zealand Coronation Contingent, arrived from London, Capetown, and Hobart at 11 o'clock this morning, anchoring in the stream and afterwards berthing at the Queen-street Wharf. The voyage out from England was marked, by fine weather, and a most enjoyable time was spent by all on board. The Tongariro has made a quick passage, her average speed throughout the voyage being 12.5 knots per hour.


The Tongariro brought the following passengers:—

Right Hon. R. J. Seddon, Mrs. Seddon, Miss Seddon, Miss M. Seddon

Mrs. Bennett

Mrs. Gilmour and two children

Mr. F. D. Thomson

Mr. Jesse King

Mr. Reeves

Mr. Wilkinson

Mrs. Beattie

Lieut. Morgan


Second saloon:

Mrs. De Renzi and two children

Mr. Dodds, Mrs. Dodds and child

Messrs E. and B. Reade.

Rev. W. Stealy, Mrs. Stealy

Mr. M. Tennyson

Mr. A. Wilson, Mrs. Wilson

and two in the steerage.

The second officer supplies us with the following account of the trip: The Tongariro left the Royal Albert Docks, London, on Saturday, September 6th at 4p.m., for Plymouth, and at 11.30 o’clock the same morning the New Zealand Coronation Contingent embarked, and the steamer arrived at Plymouth at 10 p.m. on the 7th. The ship here awaited the arrival of Mr. Seddon and party, and finally cleared for Auckland via ports at 7.30 p.m. the next evening, after being detained 21 hours 41 minutes. Moderate head winds and seas were experienced to Teneriffe, at which port the vessel arrived at 4 p.m. on September 13. After a stay of six hours 30 minutes, the Tongariro proceeded on her voyage, experiencing fine weather to arrival at Capetown at midnight on Saturday, the 28th. The vessel was detained at this port for 29 hours. Departure for Hobart was taken at 5.30 a.m. on the 30th. Two days after leaving the Cape a strong gale was encountered, but was of short duration. A succession of moderate southerly gales prevailed until passing the meridian of 50 E. Very fine, but cold, weather accompanied by south-westerly winds, were experienced to passing the 100th meridian, thence to arrival at Hobart light and variable winds, with smooth seas and warmer weather. Hobart was reached at 11.6 p.m. on Sunday last. After a detention of eight hours the Tongariro left for Auckland at 6.47 a.m. the following day. After a smooth and pleasant passage Cape Maria Van Diemen was made at 5.30 pm yesterday, arrival being made at Auckland as above.


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Copyright – Gavin W Petrie - 2012