The following article is an extract from the "Southern Cross” Newspaper, for Wednesday, 5th April, 1865.


The ship Viola, under the command of Captain Mitchell, arrived in the harbour yesterday morning from Glasgow,
with a large cargo of general merchandise and 340 Government immigrants. She is consigned to Mr Walter
Grahame. The Viola took her departure on the 8th December 1864 and was detained in the chops of the channel for ten
days. Experienced very light N.E. and S.E. trades. Crossed the equator on the 15th January, in 29.30 W. longitude and
rounded the meridian of the Cape of Good Hope on the 17th February in 40.S. latitude. Ran her easting down between
the parallels of 42. And 47.S, with moderate weather, passing to the southward of Tasmania. Rounded the North Cape of
New Zealand on the 27th March, and encountered heavy S.E. gales for three days. Since men line weather has prevailed.
No vessels connected with the colonies were sighted during the voyage. There have been eight births and twelve deaths.


11th DecemberJane Nicol,14 monthsBronchitis

24th DecemberJames Baine1 monthDebility and Coma

31st DecemberThomas Clarkson6 monthsHydrocephalus

11th FebruaryDavid Clarkson2 YearsMeningitis

16th FebruaryJames McDonald24 YearsDysentry

25th FebruaryCharles McPherson17 MonthsWhooping cough

14th MarchJames McCormack3 YearsBronchitis

16th MarchEdward O’Hagan8 MonthsWhooping cough and Bronchitis

17th MarchAmelia Campbell16 MonthsWhooping cough and Bronchitis

23rd MarchDaniel Moore3 YearsBronchitis

29th MarchJames Hamilton2 YearsBronchitis and Convulsions

3rd AprilHugh Barbour1½ YearsWhooping cough and Bronchitis

The Viola

The Viola was a fine large ship of 1,134 tons, sent out by Patrick Henderson and Son. She made her first appearance AT
Port Chalmers in 1863, under Captain Adams. She sailed from Glasgow on the 21st August, crossed the equator on the
1st October, and arrived at Port Chalmers on December 2nd, with 91 passengers.

Two years later, in 1865, she visited Auckland, under the command of Captain Mitchell. She sailed from Glasgow on the
8th December 1864, and after a somewhat lengthy passage, arrived in port on the 1st April 1865, having on board 340
Government immigrants. During the voyage there were twelve deaths and eight births.

In 1866 the Viola made another voyage to Otago under Captain Ritchie. She sailed from Greenock on the 12th April.

The Cape was rounded on the 14th June, and Port Chalmers reached on the 25th July, where she landed 99 passengers.

The Viola again visited Port Chalmers in 1868, under Captain Ross. She sailed from Greenock on the 11th December
1867, and on 12th March arrived in port with 145 immigrants.'

Return to passenger list

Copyright Gavin W Petrie 2006