The WAIROA departed London on the 3rd July, 1888 and arrived in Auckland on the 5th October, 1888, with Captain R J Bungard in command.



Transcribed from the Auckland Star for Friday, 5th October, 1888.




This morning at daylight a ship was signalled outside Tiri, and the vessel, which proved to be the New Zealand Shipping Co.'s ship Wairoa, from London, was picked up by the tug Awhina outside Rangitoto reef at an early hour, and towed into harbour, the ship dropping anchor in the street, off the Queen St. Wharf, about 9 a. m. The Wairoa comes into port this trip in excellent condition, and her trim state reflects credit on her commander, Captain Bungard, and his officers. She is an iron vessel of 1,015 tons, and is one of the finest vessels of the New Zealand Ship­ping Co.'s line. She has made a smart pas­sage out, the trip occupying only 94 days. Captain Bungard is in charge of the Wairoa, and the officers are as follows:- Chief Officer, Mr. R. Sibley: Second, Mr. P. Ewing, Third, Mr. A. Oswald; Surgeon, Dr. Moore. Of the voyage Captain Bungard reports:- left London July 3rd, cleared the Channel July 9th, got north east trades in 23deg north, carried them to 8deg. north, then got variable winds, south east trades 1 deg. south, carried them to 27deg. south. Passed the meridian of the Cape on the 25th of August in 42deg. 49min south. The Easting was run down on the mean parallel of 44deg. Passed Cape Leewin on 15th September, then being 74 days out, rounded Cape Maria Van Diemen on October 2nd; from thence bad light variable winds to port. The Wairoa brings the following passen­gers from London:-




Charlotte Lawn,

S. Thomas,

Agnes Cooper and six children,

Miss A. Varnom,

Miss R. James,




T. Varnom,

J. Varnom,

D. Cooper,

A. Young,

C. L. Holt,

H. T. A. Cook,

F. W. Wall,


The passengers speak very highly of the care and attention bestowed upon them by Captain Bungard and de­clare that they have greatly enjoyed the voyage, not having met with any very rough weather en route. To-morrow the ship will probably come up alongside the wharf to discharge her cargo.





Copyright – Gavin W Petrie – 2011