The WANGANUI departed London on 7 August, 1880 and arrived in Auckland on 7 November, 1880, with Captain W Watt in command.



Transcribed from the New Zealand Herald, 8 November 1880, Page 4



The New Zealand Shipping Company's fine ship Wanganui, 1077 tons, cast anchor for the first time in Auckland harbour yesterday evening, at five o'clock, after an uneventful passage of eighty-nine days land to land. The Wanganui is almost a new vessel having been built in 1877 by Messrs A. Stephens, of Glasgow. This however, is her fifth trip, she having been twice to Lyttelton and twice to Dunedin. Her master, Captain Watts, who has been in command since the vessel was launched, is by no means a stranger in Auckland, he having been here on two occasions, the last being some eight years ago, when he came in charge of the Celestial Queen. The chief officer, Mr. Bare, has also been to Auckland before. In 1874 he came as second officer of the Waikato, but visited the port on several occasions previously, being one of Captain Ashby's protégés. The steward, Mr. William Cunningham, has held that position in the vessel for four voyages, and is well known in southern ports. The surgeon-superintendent, Dr. Dunkley, has repeatedly visited the colony as ships surgeon. He was unsparing in his efforts to instruct and amuse the immigrants under his charge, of whom there were about 150. These arrive in excellent health. We believe we are justified in stating that a cleaner ship never entered the harbour, and her condition reflects the greatest credit on those in charge. Captain Watt's popularity with the passengers is established by the fact that he received two testimonials, one from the men and the other from the women, to the effect that he had been careful, kindly, and courteous and that he had done everything in his power for their comfort, he had paid every attention to the sick. The Wanganui brings some cabin passengers in her sumptuously furnished and elegantly fitted up saloon. Mr. Bene, chief officer, furnishes the following report of the voyage:— Left the S.W. Dock on July 31, and proceeded to Greenhithe, where the compasses were adjusted, and departed on the following day, Plymouth being reached on August 3. Emigrants were embarked and the voyage resumed on the 7th, the weather being thick and dirty and the winds light S.W. On the 9th a light N.W. breeze set in, which carried the trades. Those were met with 30' N., but proved very light. Passed to the eastward of Madeira, sighting the Deserters. Lost the N.E. trades in 16΄N. Thence to 2' N. experienced very unsteady S.W. monsoons; there the S.E. trades were picked up. These were moderate, and carried to 23΄S. To Tristam d'Acunha W.N.W. winds prevailed, that island being passed on September 25. The meridian of Greenwich was passed on the 28th, on the fortieth parallel, and the meridian of the Cape was crossed on October 1. Thence to the Leuwin moderate S.W. winds were experienced, after which fresh N.N.W, breezes carried to Tasmania, off which place baffling winds were experienced for three or four days. Thence a nice N.W. wind curried to the Three Kings, which were sighted at 3 o'clock on Friday afternoon. Cape Brett was passed at 10 a.m. of Saturday, but fine weather being dirty the ship was hove-to till midnight, when, the weather clearing up, sail was again made, and the Barrier was passed at 5 o'clock on Sunday morning. Pilot Sainty boarded the vessel off Tiritiri at 10 o'clock a.m., and the anchor was dropped off the Queen-street Wharf at 5 p.m.


 Wanganui, ship, Watt, from London.

Passengers -

Saloon -

Mrs. Mackay

Miss Mary Ellen Mackay

Mrs. Constance M. Mackay

Miss Jessie F. Mackay

Miss Palmer

Mr. W. Lacy

Mr. Dunkley

and 200 Government immigrants: —


Beatie, John 36, Mary 22;

Colvin, Thomas 39, Mary 38, Mary 11, Thomas 8;

Ingram, Christopher 33, Agnes 33, William 7, Christopher 4, David 2, John 1;

Lowe, John 33, Martha 29, Mary 7, John 5;

Paterson, Alexander 27, Annie 27, Lizzie 3, Nellie 2, William 1;

Spinley, Charles 25, Martha 26, Elsie 8, Harry 4, George 1;

Taft, John 35, Ann 33, Mary 9, Ellen 6;

Wallace, James 22, Mary 21, James 1, David 1;

Walsh, John 39, Margaret 39, Johanna 8, John 4, Matthew 1.


Single women:

Allen, Emma 19;

Argent, Harriet 23;

Ashfield, Mary 22;

Bacon, Martha 21;

Baker, Amy 22, Annie 22;

Bayliss, Ellen 24;

Bennett, Mary 36, Ellen 29, Mary 18;

Bibby, Mary 29, Mary 2;

Breen, Ellen 20, Johanna 18;

Brown, Essie 30, Isabella 20;

Brunning, Louisa 25;

Carlin, Annie 19;

Cavannagh, Elizabeth 18;

Clarke, Bridget 25;

Colvin, Sarah 18;

Connor, Ellen 20, Mary 22;

Craig, Francis E. 25;

Curran, Catherine 18;

Currin, Elizabeth 19;

Curtin, Bridget 19;

Daley, Margaret 20, Mary 19;

Dolan, Annie 19, Margaret 18;

Doocey, Bridget 23;

Driscoll, Lizzie 28;

Duggan, Ellen 17, Mary 22;

Eagen, Ellen 21, Mary 24;

Ewing, Fanny 22;

Fairbrass, Elizabeth 23;

Fellows, Mary 44, Jane 22, Mary 17, Sarah 15, Fanny 11, Alice 2;

Forth, Laura 21;

Furlong, Winifred 27;

Gilden, Martha 25;

Glayer, Honora 21, Theresa 40;

Gordon, Bridget 21, Maria 19, Sarah 21;

Hagan, Anne 27;

Hammond, Anne 18, Elizabeth 16, Ellen 12;

Hanlan, Mary 24;

Hassett, Julia 21;

Haynes, Charlotte 49;

Healy, Kate 17;

Henderson, Alice 21;

Hickey, Margaret 17, Mary 15;

Higgin, Sarah 20;

Hudson, Rosina 21;

Holliday, Julia 23;

Howell, Alexandra 17;

Hutchinson, Mary 19;

Ims, Annie 19;

Jenks, Eliza 33, James 47, George 4;

Jolley, Gertrude 22;

Joyce, Margaret 19;

Kelham, Rebecca 20;

Lemon, Bridget 21;

Leslie, Janet 28;

Lissaman, Mary 24;

McAulay, Agnes 24;

Maher, Margaret 25;

Marhenke, Johanna 24;

Moore, Eliza 20, Jane 18;

Muldoon, Margaret 16;

Murphy, Mary 19;

Murray, Mary 20, Susan 30;

Neville, Miriam 20;

O'Connel, Hannah 25;

O'Hanlon, Mary 17;

Paterson, Agnes 40;

Pearce, Elizabeth 19;

Phair, Anne 18, Elizabeth 20;

Pine, Mary 26;

Preece, Sylvia 20;

Rolston, Mary 60;

Ronan, Kate 23;

Ryan, Ann 29;

Shanaghan, Johanna 19;

Shea, Ellen 20, Margaret 18;

Slattery, Margaret 24;

Small, Elizabeth 32;

Smith, Elizabeth 18;

Smith, Emily 23, Leonard 1;

Somerville, Eliza 20, Mary 18;

Stenhouse, Christina 20;

Tipping, Mary 18;

Walsh, Mary 13;

Watson, Margaret 25;

Williams, Emily 21;

Wilson, Mary 17.


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Copyright – Gavin W Petrie - 2013