The WHAKATANE departed London on 7 February 1900 and arrived in Wellington on 4 April 1900, with Captain T. A. Sutcliffe in command.



Transcribed from Evening Post 4 April 1900.





The NZS Co's fine new cargo carrier Whakatane, from London via Plymouth, Teneriffe, Capetown, and Hobart, dropped anchor in the stream at 4.45 this morning. The vessel was inspected by Dr James (Health Officer), and his examination being a satisfactory one, she was brought alongside the Queen's Wharf at 9.15 am for discharging mails, passengers, and cargo. Full particulars of the steamer have already appeared in these columns from the pen of our London correspondent.


She left London on 8th February, and Plymouth 8.40 p.m. on 9th, and met with strong head winds and high seas to Teneriffe, where she anchored at 6.15 am on Friday, 16th February, and sailed for Capetown at noon same date. Light winds and fine weather prevailed to Capetown, which was reached at 9.30 pm on 5th March, and having em­barked periodicals and passengers left for Hobart at 5.20 pm next day, meeting with fine weather and moderate to strong winds to arrival at the Tasmanian port at 2 am on Thursday. Discharged cargo and mails, and after coaling and taking in mails sailed for Wellington at 7.10 pm same date. There were light winds and heavy rains across the Tasman Sea, and until entering Cook Strait thence light winds and smooth sea to arrival. The voyage was a quiet and uneventful one. Particulars of her cargo have already appeared. She leaves on Thursday night for Lyttelton, Port Chalmers, Timaru, back to Lyttelton, and then to Welling­ton, and finally complete loading operations, sail­ing for London 19th April.


Her passengers are as follow:— Cabin: For Wel­lington — Misses Wynne (3), Nunnely, Mrs. Wynne, Dr Scott, Messrs Wilson, Lindsay, Brook, Hopkin. For other ports — Misses Hopkin, Murray Aynsley, Mesdames Austing, Ellerbeck, Hopkin, Masen, Messrs Austing, Courtney, Grover, Mason, Hopkin, Mayor, Tweedie, Nicoll, Pigott, Reay, Russ. Steerage for Wellington — Misses Cox and Murphy, Messrs Norrell, Reynolds, Smith, Hart, Elderton, Gillard, Baker, and 44 for other ports.


Captain Sutcliffe is in charge and his officers are:— Chief, Mr. Silva; second, Mr. Bluett; third, Mr. Whitehead; fourth, Mr. Tosswill; fifth, Mr. Neale; surgeon, Mr. Green; steward-in-chief, Mr. Searle; chief engineer, Mr. Aitken; second, Mr. Scott; third, Mr. Lewis; fourth, Mr. Phillips; fifth, Mr. Allen; chief refrigerator, Mr. Hayes; second, Mr. Brown.

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