The William Watson departed Gravesend on 24 August 1857 and arrived in Auckland on 6 January 1858,

via New Plymouth. Captain William Brown was in command.


Transcribed from the Daily Southern Cross, 8 January 1858, Pg 2.



from London via New Plymouth.


Messrs -

John Shaw,

Roche Roper,

Mr. and Mrs. Lake,

Mrs. Williams and 7 daughters



J. Cree,

E. Cree,

Matilda Cree,

Misses -

Cann, Mrs. Louisa Bowring, John Bowring,

B. Hatnel,

Mrs. Emma Hamel,

Mr. and. Mrs. Daly and son,

J. Lane,

H. Wickman,

A. Cameron,

Mr. and Mrs. Pike and 2 children,

Mr. and Mrs. R. Drummond.

Mr. F. Souter.

Miss Jessie Cooke, R. Cook,

Miss Drummond,

Mr. and Mrs. Marsh and 4- children.


From New Plymouth — Mrs. Ryan. 

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