Ship HENBURY LOSS OF THE "HENBURY" BY FIRE We regret to have to record the total destruction by fire of the "Henbury," from London within a few hours after her arrival in Otago. The origin of the fire is a mystery, and will we presume ever remain so, as from the total destruction of the ship no clue can be obtained as to the cause of the accident. The "Henbury", 473 tons, Capt. Robinson, left Gravesend on the 23rd April with 10 cabin and 9 steerage passengers, and a cargo of general merchandise, the value of which is estimated at from £15,000 to £20,000. She sighted the southern part of New Zealand on the 15th inst., but owing to the light and contrary winds which she had off the coast she did not reach the Heads until Friday the 19th. Not seeing the light she had gone several miles north of the entrance of the port, and on making for the Heads she touched her stern on a reef some two three miles off Waikouaiti bay, but fortunately without doing her any damage. The pilot shortly after proceeded on board, and anchored her safely at Port Chalmers on the evening of Saturday last. Nothing particular occurred during the voyage, the length of which is attributable to unfavourable winds. The vessel having been safely anchored, the captain, along with seven or eight of the passengers, proceeded in the Victoria steamer on the same evening to Dunedin, where he remained over Sunday, with the view of entering his ship at the Customs early on Monday morning. It appears that during the absence of the captain the crew had obtained a quantity of grog, in which they had indulged to a great excess, so much so that under its influence some severe blows were exchanged amongst the crew, and their conduct altogether on the Sunday was so extremely disgraceful as to compel the passengers who were on board to seek refuge some on board the Avonvale, some on shore, to avoid the scene which had been originated by drink. On Monday morning, about 3 o'clock, the chief mate, who was sleeping below in the after part of the vessel, was aroused by a strong smell of fire, and immediately discovered that the sails and stores in the sail room were on fire, to extinguish which every effort was made; but the devouring element had acquired too strong a hold, and in a short time the entire after part of the ship was a mass of fire, the only possible means of subduing which was to scuttle the vessel, which was accordingly done, but unfortunately not effectively; we presume with the object of avoiding sinking her in deep water, she was allowed to drift towards the shore, and having run too far in, she could not be sunk deep enough, her stern having grounded, preventing that part from sinking. The fire continued to rage below deck with such fury as to allow of no effective means being taken to save any part of the cargo. About 10 o'clock in the forenoon the flames burst forth, and quickly completed the work of destruction. The "Henbury" now lies on the beach at Port Chalmers a perfect wreck; the whole of her after part, as far as the main-mast, with the cargo, having been reduced to a cinder. The fore part having sunk, any cargo in the fore-hatch, if not of a perishable nature, and not liable to be destroyed by water, may be saved; but we fear she and her cargo — which latter was mostly destined for this Port — will be a total loss. Fortunately, she was not one of our Government immigrant ships, and the number of her passengers was not great; but the fire having occurred so shortly after her arrival, nothing had been landed, consequently the passengers have lost everything they had on board; many, we hear, had not time to save their clothes, and have landed in the scanty garments which they could lay their hands on. A subscription list is in course of signature for the assistance of the steerage passengers, and we are persuaded, from our past experience, that we have only to make the fact known to ensure a liberal contribution to a fund for the alleviation of those who have landed amongst us under the most trying circumstances that have yet occurred. The following is the names of the passengers : — Cabin — Mr. and Mrs. Clapcott, Messrs. G. Wise, J. Browne, G. W. Campbell, J. Dickson, S. Dickson, E. Pettit, W. Luker, and G. Thomson.— Steerage — Jane Fitzsimmonds, D. Milne and wife, W. H. Wilkes, A. Gann, wife, and infant; R. Jackson, W. Wither, and W. Wood. Transcribed from the Otago Witness, of 27 August 1859, Page 2