Schooner JEWESS Wreck of the schooner Jewess. — Intelligence reached us last evening of the wreck of the schooner Jewess, belonging to this port. She left here about a fortnight ago, bound for Wanganui and Taranaki; with a valuable cargo on board, and Messrs. G. Wade, H. Churton, and Carrington, as passengers. She encountered foul weather the whole of the time, and had been lying at Kapiti some days. She parted both her cables during the gale on Wednesday night; and after a vain attempt to keep her off with canvass, she was laid on her beam ends by a terrific squall. Her masts went, and she righted, but we regret to state that Mr. G. Wade and a chief called "Wide-Awake" who were clinging to the masts, were never seen again. Mr. Churton was much bruised, and nearly all the crew disabled. Capt. Moore writes that she is on shore at Pakakaria, 12 miles to the north of Porirua, on an open beach, exposed to a dreadful sea. The unfortunate sufferers are endeavouring to save what property is washed on shore, and a party of forty persons all armed started early this morning to render them assistance. The vessel, it is feared, will become a total wreck. Transcribed from the New Zealand Gazette and Wellington Spectator, of 24 April 1841, Page 2.